Upgrading from 4.3.8 to 4.4.0

Please refer to the upgrade instructions corresponding to your installation method.


When Using $this->validate()

There was a known potential vulnerability in $this->validate() in the Controller to bypass validation. The attack could allow developers to misinterpret unvalidated empty data as validated and proceed with processing.

The Validation::getValidated() method has been added to ensure that validated data is obtained.

Therefore, when you use $this->validate() in your Controllers, you should use the new Validation::getValidated() method to get the validated data.

// In Controller.

if (! $this->validate([
    'username' => 'required',
    'password' => 'required|min_length[10]',
])) {
    // The validation failed.
    return view('login', [
        'errors' => $this->validator->getErrors(),

// The validation was successful.

// Get the validated data.
$validData = $this->validator->getValidated();

Breaking Changes

URI::setSegment() Change

Dut to a bug, in previous versions an exception was not thrown if the last segment +2 was specified. This bug has been fixed.

If your code depends on this bug, fix the segment number.

// URI: http://example.com/one/two

// Before:
$uri->setSegment(4, 'three');
// The URI will be http://example.com/one/two/three

// After:
$uri->setSegment(4, 'three'); // Will throw Exception
$uri->setSegment(3, 'three');
// The URI will be http://example.com/one/two/three

Site URI Changes

  • Because of the rework for the current URI determination, the framework may return site URIs or the URI paths slightly differently than in previous versions. It may break your test code. Update assertions if the existing tests fail.

  • When your baseURL has sub-directories and you get the relative path to baseURL of the current URI by the URI::getPath() method, you must use the new SiteURI::getRoutePath() method instead.

See Site URI Changes for details.

When You Extend Exceptions

If you are extending CodeIgniter\Debug\Exceptions and have not overridden the exceptionHandler() method, defining the new Config\Exceptions::handler() method in your app/Config/Exceptions.php will cause the specified Exception Handler to be executed.

Your overridden code will no longer be executed, so make any necessary changes by defining your own exception handler.

See Custom Exception Handlers for the detail.

Auto Routing (Improved) and translateURIDashes

When using Auto Routing (Improved) and $translateURIDashes is true ($routes->setTranslateURIDashes(true)), in previous versions due to a bug two URIs correspond to a single controller method, one URI for dashes (e.g., foo-bar) and one URI for underscores (e.g., foo_bar).

This bug was fixed and now URIs for underscores (foo_bar) is not accessible.

If you have links to URIs for underscores (foo_bar), update them with URIs for dashes (foo-bar).

When Passing Classname with Namespace to Factories

The behavior of passing a classname with a namespace to Factories has been changed. See ChangeLog for details.

If you have code like model(\Myth\Auth\Models\UserModel::class) or model('Myth\Auth\Models\UserModel') (the code may be in the third-party packages), and you expect to load your App\Models\UserModel, you need to define the classname to be loaded before the first loading of that class:

Factories::define('models', 'Myth\Auth\Models\UserModel', 'App\Models\UserModel');

See Defining Classname to be Loaded for details.

Interface Changes

Some interface changes have been made. Classes that implement them should update their APIs to reflect the changes. See Interface Changes for details.

Method Signature Changes

Some method signature changes have been made. Classes that extend them should update their APIs to reflect the changes. See Method Signature Changes for details.

Also, the parameter types of some constructors and Services::security() have changed. If you call them with the parameters, change the parameter values. See Parameter Type Changes for details.


The array structure of the protected property $routes has been modified for performance.

If you extend RouteCollection and use the $routes, update your code to match the new array structure.

Mandatory File Changes

index.php and spark

The following files received significant changes and you must merge the updated versions with your application:


If you don’t update the above files, CodeIgniter will not work properly after running composer update.

The upgrade procedure, for example, is as follows:

composer update
cp vendor/codeigniter4/framework/public/index.php public/index.php
cp vendor/codeigniter4/framework/spark spark

Config Files


The property $proxyIPs must be an array. If you don’t use proxy servers, it must be public array $proxyIPs = [];.


To clean up the routing system, the following changes were made:

  • New app/Config/Routing.php file that holds the settings that used to be in the Routes file.

  • The app/Config/Routes.php file was simplified so that it only contains the routes without settings and verbiage to clutter the file.

  • The environment-specific routes files are no longer loaded automatically.

So you need to do:

  1. Copy app/Config/Routing.php from the new framework to your app/Config directory, and configure it.

  2. Remove all settings in app/Config/Routes.php that are no longer needed.

  3. If you use the environment-specific routes files, add them to the $routeFiles property in app/Config/Routing.php.


You need to add the new properties $watchedDirectories and $watchedExtensions for Hot Reloading:

--- a/app/Config/Toolbar.php
+++ b/app/Config/Toolbar.php
@@ -88,4 +88,31 @@ class Toolbar extends BaseConfig
      * `$maxQueries` defines the maximum amount of queries that will be stored.
     public int $maxQueries = 100;
+    /**
+     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Watched Directories
+     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *
+     * Contains an array of directories that will be watched for changes and
+     * used to determine if the hot-reload feature should reload the page or not.
+     * We restrict the values to keep performance as high as possible.
+     *
+     * NOTE: The ROOTPATH will be prepended to all values.
+     */
+    public array $watchedDirectories = [
+        'app',
+    ];
+    /**
+     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Watched File Extensions
+     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *
+     * Contains an array of file extensions that will be watched for changes and
+     * used to determine if the hot-reload feature should reload the page or not.
+     */
+    public array $watchedExtensions = [
+        'php', 'css', 'js', 'html', 'svg', 'json', 'env',
+    ];


You need to add the code to add a route for Hot Reloading:

--- a/app/Config/Events.php
+++ b/app/Config/Events.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace Config;

 use CodeIgniter\Events\Events;
 use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\FrameworkException;
+use CodeIgniter\HotReloader\HotReloader;

  * --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -44,5 +45,11 @@ Events::on('pre_system', static function () {
     if (CI_DEBUG && ! is_cli()) {
         Events::on('DBQuery', 'CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\Database::collect');
+        // Hot Reload route - for framework use on the hot reloader.
+        if (ENVIRONMENT === 'development') {
+            Services::routes()->get('__hot-reload', static function () {
+                (new HotReloader())->run();
+            });
+        }


The CSRF config items in app/Config/App.php are no longer used.

  1. Copy app/Config/Security.php from the new framework to your app/Config directory, and configure it.

  2. Remove the properties (from $CSRFTokenName to $CSRFSameSite) in app/Config/App.php.


The Session config items in app/Config/App.php are no longer used.

  1. Copy app/Config/Session.php from the new framework to your app/Config directory, and configure it.

  2. Remove the properties (from $sessionDriver to $sessionDBGroup) in app/Config/App.php.

Breaking Enhancements

  • Routing: The method signature of RouteCollection::__construct() has been changed. The third parameter Routing $routing has been added. Extending classes should likewise add the parameter so as not to break LSP.

  • Validation: The method signature of Validation::check() has been changed. The string typehint on the $rule parameter was removed. Extending classes should likewise remove the typehint so as not to break LSP.

Project Files

Some files in the project space (root, app, public, writable) received updates. Due to these files being outside of the system scope they will not be changed without your intervention.

There are some third-party CodeIgniter modules available to assist with merging changes to the project space: Explore on Packagist.

Content Changes

The following files received significant changes (including deprecations or visual adjustments) and it is recommended that you merge the updated versions with your application:


  • app/Config/CURLRequest.php
  • app/Config/Exceptions.php

All Changes

This is a list of all files in the project space that received changes; many will be simple comments or formatting that have no effect on the runtime:

  • app/Config/App.php

  • app/Config/CURLRequest.php

  • app/Config/Cookie.php

  • app/Config/Database.php

  • app/Config/Events.php

  • app/Config/Exceptions.php

  • app/Config/Filters.php

  • app/Config/Routes.php

  • app/Config/Routing.php

  • app/Config/Toolbar.php

  • public/index.php

  • spark